Someone once said that the secret to good food is loving the food you're making or the person you're making it for. Art Ginsburg, The Mr. Food Cookbook (1990), Page xii. It's a safe bet to assume that you thought Art Ginsburg, you know him as Mr. Food, was a local. He'd pop up, beaming, like a ...
cookbook authors
Betty Groff: Pennsylvanian Dutch Cookbook Author
When you move away from or travel outside the region you've long called "home," you discover new cookbook authors for your cookbook collection everywhere you go. Betty Groff (September 8, 1935 - November 8, 2015) wrote six cookbooks, owned a restaurant with her husband, Abe, and shared her ...
Chuck Williams of Williams Sonoma: The Man Behind the Cookware and Cookbooks
"My advice for a long and happy life? Love what you do – and always eat well!"Chuck Williams, Williams Sonoma I add Williams Sonoma cookbooks to my cookbook collection whenever I see them. They are reliable, trustworthy, and good. I like the recipes, the photos, and the way these books feel in my ...
Meet Irma S. Rombauer, Joy of Cooking Author, St. Louis Resident
I've picked up and set down the cookbook The Joy of Cooking (JoC) by Irma S. Rombauer many times. Why? I was on the hunt for a copy someone used, loved, and cooked from. I wanted to see a few splattered pages and maybe notes jotted in the sidebar. That didn't happen. So, my cookbook collection ...
Cookbook Recalls, Misprints, and Cancellations
Writing anything food-related isn't easy. There are facts to double-check, measurements to consider, instructions to clarify, food testing to perform, and sometimes the constraints of hitting a particular word count. It's not difficult to see how errors can slip through the cracks. Even ...