I'm Jessica Nunemaker and I am a rebel cookbook lover — just ask my cookbook collection. Remember how you were taught to handle books? You wrapped brown paper around them to protect the covers. Treat books like a little baby. Be gentle with them and use a bookmark. Oh, and never EVER write in t ...
Butterscotch Cookies with Coconut and Butterscotch Chips Recipe
When you make homemade cookies, they should be memorable and worth your while. These butterscotch cookies with coconut are it. I wouldn't list butterscotch on a list of favorite flavors (just to give you an idea of where butterscotch and I stand). But these butterscotch coconut cookies were ...
Essential Kitchen Items: The Bear Vs Little Indiana Bakes
I'm no kitchen pro but I can spot a great recipe a mile away (hello, cookbook collection) and good food is a necessity. As my sons both groan on occasion, "You've ruined restaurants for us!" They are well on their way to ruining restaurants for others, too. I'm so proud. When I read the Food ...
Pennsylvania Dutch Cookbooks List for Homestyle Cooking
Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link, I may receive compensation at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support. Pennsylvania Dutch is not synonymous with Amish. If you are looking for Amish cookbooks — that's the link y ...
Pennsylvania Dutch Shoofly Pie Recipe from Betty Groff
When I think of Pennsylvania Dutch cookbooks, author Betty Groff jumps to mind. I knew she'd share a shoofly pie recipe, and I knew it would be amazing. Betty didn't disappoint. Pennsylvanians sure do love shoofly pie. It appears on more menus than you'd believe (especially if you live in an area ...